People Stories

Great stories. Real opportunities.

We think TSB is a great place to work, but don’t just take our word for it, read what some of our colleagues have to say.

There are so many wonderful things I like about working for TSB.  My favourite is probably the ability to recognise, praise and reward your fellow colleagues.

Senior Manager, Branch Transformation


We want people to feel empowered and speak openly and ask for help

I’ve been going through the menopause for the last 10 years and have had every symptom going.  My symptoms crept up on me, and I had no idea what was happening. 

To help women going through the menopause, TSB has a package of menopause related support in partnership with BUPA, and have signed the Wellbeing of Women’s Menopause Workplace Pledge which recognises that menopause can be an issue in the workplace.  It’s great that TSB are providing the support that colleagues may need and it’s becoming part of normal conversation rather than a taboo subject at work.

HR Consultant


You have to be ready to work hard, but it's incredibly rewarding when that hard work gets recognised and it’s a great feeling to know that I've made a colleague's day better.

Pride of TSB Winner


It gave me invaluable bonding time with my newborn and meant I could provide essential support to my partner

Last year, my partner and I received the wonderful news that we were expecting a baby. This exciting development came during my first few months at TSB, and it was then I learned about the excellent parental leave policy.  This generous, family-friendly policy highlights TSB's recognition of the importance of both parents being present during the early stages of the their child's life.  

TSB's parental policy is fully gender inclusive and incorporates all types of parental leave.  I took five months parental leave but would have been able to advantage of up to 20 weeks paid leave, and 32 weeks unpaid.

During my leave, I dedicated myself fully to my new role as a father.  I was also touched by the well wishes and updates from colleagues, which made me feel connected to the team despite my absence.  My overall parental leave experience was truly memorable, and I deeply appreciate TSB's comprehensive policies that genuinely value the wellbeing of colleagues.  It makes TSB an incredibly attractive place to work.

Money Confidence Expert


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